Navigating Change: The Transformative Power of Present Moment Awareness

Managing change is a critical life skill for all of us. But change can be like an unexpected plot twist in a movie—exciting for some but very unsettling for others. 

In this post, I'd like to dive into what makes change difficult and how we can remedy that.

Why is change so hard?

If you Google 'why is change so hard', you'll find that many differing psychological, emotional, and social factors contribute to the difficulty of navigating change. The information online is often conflicting and complex, but in reality, the answer is very straightforward.  

Change is hard when, and only when, we are out of alignment with the present moment. 

'Present moment' and 'change' are two ideas that seem at odds with each other. Present moment awareness is the practice of fully engaging with the current moment, while change appears to be more future-focused. 

Yet, change is fuelled by either our attachment to the past or our projections into the future. Let's explore how our relationship with the past and the future impacts change.

Holding onto the past  

The comfort of the familiar is a powerful obstacle to change as we are wired for safety and security. Whether it's a comfortable routine, a cherished relationship, or a familiar identity, the fear of losing what we once held dear can hinder our willingness to change. Why? Quite simply because change disrupts our comfort.

Projecting into the future 

Our future-focussed ambitions, hopes and dreams are all drivers of change. Don't get me wrong, it's important to dream. But when our focus on the future becomes detached from the present, it can create anxiety, overwhelm, overwork and perpetual dissatisfaction. We end up chasing a dream rather than appreciating the unfolding change happening in the present moment.

The only time is now

The desire for change or resistance to change may be driven by the past and future, but action (and therefore growth) can only ever occur in the present moment.

If we spend too much time holding onto the past or projecting into the future, we live in an illusion. The past is no longer a reality. The future is uncertain and unpredictable.

By cultivating an awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and reactions in the present moment, we can approach change with greater clarity and intention by making choices that align with our true selves (as opposed to impulsively reacting out of fear).

As Abraham Maslow so brilliantly said, "In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety." 

Present moment awareness allows us to step forward into change with adaptability and resilience, as opposed to with overwhelm and anxiety. For example, instead of being overwhelmed by the enormity of change, we instead approach it step by step in the now.

Daily habits for managing change with ease

By centring ourselves in the present, we access a space of stillness and calm, even amid great change. The easiest way to do this is:  

  • Conscious breathing - feel the air entering and leaving your body.

  • Engage your senses - what do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel?

By incorporating these small habits into your daily life, you'll find that present moment awareness is the key to managing change with greater ease and intention. In essence: present moment awareness brings us back to our centre, and we take action from that grounded place.


Simply this: Living in the now allows us to navigate change with clarity of intention, openness and resilience – all traits that underpin greater ease, joy and success. I’d love to show you how.

Book your free one-on-one 30 minute session below:


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